
Letters to the Editor

FISU Games were not a failure

To the editor: A few who have tossed their hats in the ring are pushing the idea that the University Games were a failure; an idea that’s far from the truth. Yes, the event didn’t haul in massive crowds, a problem, in part, due to large-scale housing projects that were not realized, ...

Supporting Merrihew

To the editor: You must know that Chelsea Merrihew is running for Essex County clerk as the Election Day is coming nearer. I wish to give you a closer look at Chelsea and why she is the best choice that makes sense for Essex County. As North Elba town clerk, I have relied on the county ...

Supporting Balzac

To the editor: I am writing to support Fred Balzac for North Elba Town Council. He is passionate about serving the local full-time residents and will work tirelessly to improve our community. Over many years, Fred has been active in standing up against special interests. He will work ...

Vote row B

To the editor: The North Elba Republican Committee is excited about the experience and knowledge of various candidates for a variety of state, county and town positions soon to be decided by the voters on Nov. 7. The following is a brief reminder of the candidates and positions they are ...

Vote Fred Balzac for town council

To the editor: A couple months ago, I was on an organizing call about local short-term rental regulation. At the end of the call, a man who I had never met before asked me, “Is Fred Balzac involved with this group?” He told me that Fred would be a great person to have on our side, and ...

Community integrity plebiscite

To the editor: From Webster’s: plebiscite n. “A direct vote by an electorate on an important issue or proposal.” In 1998, during my first year as councilman, I gathered support to put the non-binding referendum on the ballot: “Should the name of the Town of Wilmington, NY be ...