

MARTHA SEZ: ‘Great, I thought, the power is out!’

March: Be aware of its perils. March is already half over. Looking at it another way, there are still two weeks to go. March is known as a changeable, fickle month. The astrological sign associated with March is Pisces, the Fishes, the most indecisive sign of the zodiac. Round and round ...

HISTORY IS COOL: 95 years ago

Close rut race - The water swirled down the narrow passage. The two frail craft avoided being wrecked only by the narrowest of margins. Chunks of snow and ice threw them first to one side, then to the other. Spectators shouted as first one and then the other would get ahead. One was ...

ON THE SCENE: Identifying and avoiding scams

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, last year, Americans were scammed out of over $10.3 billion by internet and telephone scam artists. On Sunday afternoon, March 3, at the Keene Valley Library, representatives of the Champlain National Bank provided an overview of scammers, ...

MARTHA SEZ: ‘I love animals, despite what Moose may tell you’

My friend Darla and I were engaging in one of our marathon phone conversations a couple of weeks ago when the subject of pets came up. Darla’s cat, Peter, had just succumbed to cancer; the incessant high-pitched barking of her miniature Schnauzer, Moose, could be heard over the phone, and no ...

AUSABLE WATER WISE: Clean water, safe roads

The science on road salt use is clear: While traditional salt use can keep roads safer in winter, it also damages freshwater ecosystems. As snow and ice melt on roads, the salt washes into soil, lakes and streams, polluting water supplies, damaging essential lake health and harming aquatic ...

HISTORY IS COOL: 80 years ago

Ski death - Dr. J. A. Geis, Essex County coroner, gave a verdict of accidental death in the case of Knut Raustad, 30, who died on top of one of the small mountains north of Whitney a few hours after he was found by the ski patrol Monday. The coroner stated at the inquest Tuesday night at ...