
HISTORY IS COOL: 95 years ago

March 15, 1929

Close rut race

The water swirled down the narrow passage. The two frail craft avoided being wrecked only by the narrowest of margins. Chunks of snow and ice threw them first to one side, then to the other. Spectators shouted as first one and then the other would get ahead.

One was painted a brilliant blue, while the other flaunted a gorgeous yellow. It looked like a dead heat until just at the finish line, the blue flashed ahead.

Three small boys let out a war whoop. Their blue pencil had won the race with the yellow one in one of the water-filled ruts on Hillcrest Avenue yesterday afternoon.

Olympic publicity

Godfrey Dewey of the Lake Placid Club wrote a letter to the editor that read, in part:

“I hav been askt to comment on the coming village election, especially the proposed appropriation of $15,000 for publicity, from the standpoint of the Olympic situation.

“If the winter Olympic ar awarded to Lake Placid, a wel organized publicity office with an ample appropriation is absolutely and immediately indispensable. The award of the 1932 Olympic Winter Games wil not be definitly determined til several weeks after this election, but even if Lake Placid fails to secure this award, $15,000 a year is not too much to spend wisely in promoting a community which, like Lake Placid, is dependent for its very existence on its success as a summer and winter resort.”

Forest airports

We may expect to have regularly organized, fully equipped airports in the heart of our recreation forests, says the New York State College of Forestry, Syracuse University.

This new development has already been indicated by the amphibian plane constructed to alight on land or water.

The fire patrol hydroplanes of the Forest Service particularly in Canada have used the lakes that dot the wilderness areas as way stations in summer. The frozen lakes in winter may be converted into excellent landing places with a minimum of expense. Planes equipped for the land airport have stopped in the open fields of the Adirondacks and other forest recreation areas.

Since the days of the oxcart, every common vehicle of transportation has found its way into the forest fastness, set up stations, transfers and housings so it might conveniently carry freight and people to and from this outdoor playground.

The horse-drawn vehicle, the steam railroad, the steamboat, the electric railroad, the motorboat and the automobile have all followed this course in response to human demands.

The forest airport will naturally follow the airplane. The time-saving factor with which the airplane is identified will be the chief reason for establishing the forest airport.

The New York or Boston business man could leave his office in the afternoon, jump into a passenger plane and arrive at Lake Placid in time for a game of golf before supper. He could spend all day Sunday in the woods if he so desired and return Monday morning in time for the opening of business in the city.

The airplane and the forest have been coming closer together since the earliest development of air travel. The airplane carries crews and supplies into the forest, acts as a fire patrol, protects the forest by spraying the trees with powders to destroy insect enemies and is now used extensively for mapping and estimating the commercial values of timber.


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