

INTO THE TREES: Faith on Mount Jo

The end of Adirondack Loj Road is a wonderland of possibility, standing as one of the most centralized gateways into the heart of the Adirondack High Peaks. I went, however, for my second Lake Placid 9’er on Monday, Feb. 26 — Mount Jo — my first being Cobble Hill in Lake ...


As I sit here in my studio with a cup of tea, I know I should be working on that unfinished painting but instead I look out the window at the bird feeders and find such joy in watching the chickadees, finches, woodpeckers, blue jays and juncos all maneuvering into position for their brief ...

WORLD FOCUS: United States of America is still the indispensable nation

The world is in turmoil. Nations are in conflict, wars are raging, countries face economic collapse, dictators and tyrants rule over oppressed people. When help is needed the phones, start ringing in Washington, D.C. Not in Moscow, Beijing or even London, Paris or Berlin. To restore and ...

ON THE SCENE: Destination: Alexandria, Egypt

On Wednesday, Feb. 14, I attended a seminar on the impact of artificial intelligence on the creation of art and in medical care, topics one might think were held in Silicon Valley or the Halls of Congress. Instead, the presentation was held at the University of Alexandria, Egypt. I’m here ...

LIBRARY NEWS: It’s tax time again at the library

For the past two decades, the AARP volunteers have provided free assistance to individuals with their tax preparations here at the Lake Placid Public Library. This dedicated group has been working hard to meet the community’s needs and has been particularly busy these last few weeks. ...