Saturday’s (Sept. 12) editorial “Permit? No, do these things for the High Peaks” in the Adirondack Daily Enterprise (which first ran in the Sept. 11 issue of the Lake Placid News) makes some excellent points, particularly regarding enforcement and trail maintenance. However, I believe it ...
This past weekend, the Adirondack Daily Enterprise featured the many long-standing businesses in the Tri-Lakes area. It compelled me to reminisce about Main Street in Lake Placid when I was a child, and how it has transformed over the years and multiple generations of my family’s seasonal ...
This summer has certainly been unique. COVID-19 restrictions required cancellation of all the regularly scheduled large events as well as certain travel bans, which certainly resulted in a noticeable change in Lake Placid.
This change has been viewed by many to be positive.
Main Street ...
The circumstances of being Lebanese-American are not new for me. After all, I have been all my life. It has meant knowing what hummus and tabbouleh were long before those foods came in little tubs at the grocery store. It meant having a uni-brow and a mustache by my 12th birthday. And it meant ...
Over three weeks ago on a Monday morning, I brought my 18-year-old grandson in to the Adirondack Medical Center Saranac Lake emergency room. He had a fever of 102.4, sweats, dizziness, shortness of breath and weakness. His condition worsened by the hour, and I was not sure what was happening ...
Bob Seidenstein’s July 24 column in the Adirondack Daily Enterprise, “Schlock and roll,” brings to mind the way every generation grows up thinking “their” music — i.e., the pop music of their adolescence — is the only thing worth listening to. When Don McLean sings “the day the ...