
Guest Commentary

We all love our teenage tunes best

Bob Seidenstein’s July 24 column in the Adirondack Daily Enterprise, “Schlock and roll,” brings to mind the way every generation grows up thinking “their” music — i.e., the pop music of their adolescence — is the only thing worth listening to. When Don McLean sings “the day the ...

Gifts for summer reading

I am writing to say thank you to the Lake Placid Rotary Club for funding the Lake Placid Elementary School summer reading program, and to Marc and Sarah Galvin at The Bookstore Plus for ordering all of the books and delivering them on time. Book Shopping Day has become a cherished day ...

The pride movement keeps pushing

June is traditionally celebrated as LGBTQ Pride Month. LGBTQI+ Pride Month is normally associated with joy, happiness, colorful parades and marches, people dressed in rainbow colored costumes, speeches by local, regional and national celebrities and leaders. Out of all the months in the ...

Northwood School gives thanks for face shield project

As fears of the virus and a lack of personal protective equipment for health care workers began to swell in our region, new uses for 3D printers began to circulate. Our Associate Head of School Tom “Brody” Broderick quickly jumped into a leadership role, teaming up with local entrepreneurs ...

Communities need their newspapers, newspapers need their communities

From afar, the COVID-19 pandemic is generating news of such terrifying magnitude that it is nearly too overwhelming to comprehend. Millions are suffering, and thousands are dying. Economies are collapsing. The world seems out of control. That’s the big picture, which you can learn about ...

A time to ‘pause’

Social distancing has made me ponder everything that is going on a little too much. You know, things that just eat away at a person. No right, no wrong, just a nagging feeling that something needs to be said. Such is the case right now. It’s not meant to be political and definitely not ...