HISTORY IS COOL: 90 years ago
Aug. 26, 1932
Horse show begins
Fifty exhibitors have entered the third annual Lake Placid horse show, which opens at 1 p.m. today. They will attend a horse show breakfast at the Stevens House this morning. A steak roast on Lake Placid is planned after the last event this evening. Boats will leave George and Bliss boathouse at 7 p.m.
The show will continue on Saturday afternoon, which will be followed by a supper dance at the Stevens House at 9:30 p.m.
Forty-two classes will be shown. Among them will be: novice saddle horses, saddle ponies, jumping, saddle horses, lightweight hunters, five-gaited saddle horses, saddle horses ridden by amateurs, “Touch and Out” sweepstakes, horsemanship (ridden by children under 16), and Corinthian class on outside course for Queens Hotel trophy. Other classes will be: combination five-gaited horses, camp saddle horses, hunter hacks, combination horses (three gaits), children’s jumpers, road hacks, model hunters, model saddle horses, children’s saddle horses, children’s hunters, middle and heavyweight hunters, ladies’ saddle horses, local hunters or jumpers, ladies’ hunters and hunt teams.
Billboard show
Cooperating with the Essex County and Westport garden clubs, the New York State Committee for Billboard Legislation will present an exhibit of billboards at the Essex County Fair.
The local garden clubs are showing contrasting types of gasoline filling stations: “The attractive and attracting one” and the kind the motorist generally passes by.
Miniature billboards will be exhibited to show that in some positions they are not only unattractive, but they can cause serious community losses in defacing naturally beautiful roadsides and often become actual menaces to motor traffic.
Baby parade
Franklin County’s Baby Parade is being sponsored this year by the Saranac Lake Women’s Democratic Club at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 31 at Saranac Lake.
Children up to and including 10 years of age from Franklin, Essex, Clinton and St. Lawrence counties are eligible for entry.
Any floats, carriage, express wagon decorated in any manner or symbolical of any organization will be eligible. Children dressed in fancy dress costume, burlesque or very simply will be welcome.
The parade will be divided into three divisions:
1. Baby coaches, go-carts, express wagons and doll coaches, driven by one or more children, in any decorations including costume of child.
2. Walking, in fancy dress or burlesque costumes.
3. Floats, attendants in costume.
Swimming races
Olympic and A.A.U. swimming stars will compete for championship honors in the races and diving competitions, to be held at the municipal beach here under the auspices of the Lake Placid Athletic Club Saturday afternoon, Sept. 3.
Cities expected to send teams include Schenectady, Syracuse, New York, Rochester and Buffalo.