
Savor the Season

SAVOR THE SEASON: Keeseville Farmacy creates a tiny oasis in local food desert

KEESEVILLE - A now empty building on Front Street was once home to a Tops grocery store. At one point, it was a Mac's Market. At another time, it was a Grand Union. Today, this hamlet of a little more than 1,800 residents hasn't had a grocery store for about five years despite being surrounded ...

SAVOR THE SEASON: Farm-to-table menu at Big Slide Brewery

LAKE PLACID - Big Slide Brewery & Public House opened in the summer of 2016. It's owned by the same company as the Lake Placid Pub & Brewery on Mirror Lake Drive. However, owner Chris Ericson didn't want Big Slide to be just a second location. It's a little bit more ...

SAVOR THE SEASON: There is something joyful about holiday cookies

Today there is an infinite digital library of recipes, tips, tricks, creative twists and spins on all things sweet and savory for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert.I enjoy the inspiration and have tried many new dishes and ingredients about which I might never have known. It's a trial and ...

SAVOR THE SEASON: Enjoy three winter squash recipes for the harvest season

One of my fondest and early memories of squash is of when my mother used to prepare roasted acorn squash.The days had grown shorter, the nights had gotten cooler, and fall had surely arrived. It wasn't a complicated "recipe" per se, just a simple preparation as much as anything. Even still, the ...

SAVOR THE SEASON: Celebrating the Adirondack harvest

WESTPORT - When it comes to the term "autumn eats," most of the people the Lake Placid News interviewed at the third annual Adirondack Harvest Festival turned to locally grown cucurbits or gourds."Squash, pumpkins," said Cynthia Johnston, the former Keene Central School superintendent who ...