
Critical of actions by Elise Stefanik

To the editor:

Elise Stefanik must face the consequences for taking part in inciting an attempted coup to prevent the peaceful transition of the presidency. She voted to overturn the democratic process of Congressional approval of other states’ certified election results by not accepting their Electoral College votes, By doing so, Elise Stefanik deliberately misled pro-Trump domestic terrorists, who invaded and vandalized the Senate and House at our nation’s Capitol in their attempt to prevent the peaceful transition of presidential power.

While Elise Stefanik has publicly claimed to be “protecting our Constitution,” she has decidedly taken actions which do not support our nation’s Constitution. This is not the first time Elise Stefanik tried to subvert the certified election results of other states. In fact, Elise Stefanik has backed a lawsuit, which attempted to invalidate the voting results of four states that had been certified. That Texas lawsuit was rejected because the Supreme Court stated the Texas case had no standing in pursuing another states’ elections.

This leads to my lack of trust in Elise Stefanik’s decisions to accept any valid voters’ ballots in New York, if she doesn’t happen to agree with the election results. She has interfered twice with other states’ election results because she didn’t like the results, even though those results were accurate and certified. I have NO TRUST that Elise Stefanik would protect New York state voter rights after these actions she took against other states voting results. Elise Stefanik will not protect the voters’ rights guaranteed in our Constitution that she swore to uphold.

Vote Elise Stefanik out in two years because she cannot be trusted to protect our voting rights.

Sheelah Lucier

Lake Placid

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