
Vote out Stefanik

To the editor:

I drive River Road every day. Recently I saw Stefanik and Trump signs go up next to each other. The next day a Tedra Cobb sign went up next to Stefanik. Within 24 hours the Tedra Cobb sign was stolen, I assume by a Stefanik supporter. There it was, the only thing left was Stefanik standing next to Trump.

Stefanik stands with Trump when he calls our troops “losers and suckers.” Stefanik stands with Trump trying to take away health care for 22,000,000 Americans during a pandemic. Stefanik stands with Trump when he puts kids in cages. Stefanik stands with Trump when he calls Nazis “good people.” Stefanik stands with Trump when he blows his racist dog whistles. Stefanik stands with Trump when he lies about the dangers of the COVID virus!

I plead with everyone to vote, so we can see Stefanik go down to defeat with Donald Trump on Nov. 3.

Terry Blank

Lake Placid and Stamford, Connecticut

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