
Lawn sign removed

To the editor:

To my North Country neighbors:

During the night someone removed our Tedra Cobb lawn sign. We are deeply saddened and angered that someone finds this acceptable behavior. Yes, we may differ with you on the subject of our representative to Congress, but this is a country where all types of opinions, even odious ones, are allowed. We find Stefanik an inadequate representative, but we are not driving around removing Stefanik signs.

More to the point it is ILLEGAL to remove campaign signs. We have informed the State Police of this event and hope it will not be repeated when we put up a new sign ASAP.

What are you afraid of when a mere sign expressing a different opinion from yours is displayed? In a democracy, all opinions deserve to be and will be heard. A person whose supporters indulge in this kind of behavior does not deserve to be reelected.

Join us and send the carpetbagger Elise Stefanik packing on Nov. 3. Elect a true North Country woman, Tedra Cobb, to Congress.

James and Parmelee Tolkan

Lake Placid

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