
Historian weighs in on Main Street upgrades

To the editor:

Having access to past history as historian, it is disturbing sometimes to see all the changes being made to our beautiful area. However, some of them are good. I feel that in the last few years we have seen a wonderful change to our Main Street. The owners/renters are doing an outstanding job maintaining their store fronts; the village keeps the streets free of clutter and snow; the addition of Conni Cross’s Lake Placid Beautification crews adds the colorful, flowering hanging baskets, window boxes, etc; and the village installs the colorful flags announcing the upcoming events, lights, etc. All these additions have made our Main Street an interesting, comfortable venture.

Of course we have parking problems. However that has been going on since the introduction of “motor cars” to the area. But isn’t it a good problem? What if the streets were empty?

Hopefully we will be able to make the necessary repairs (after a hundred years) and still keep the outstanding Main Street.

Beverley Pratt Reid

Registered historian

Lake Placid

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