
A time for thanks at the LPVAS

At Thanksgiving time, the Lake Placid Volunteer Ambulance Service would like to thank people in the community who have helped the us during 2015.

Most of all, we’d like to thank those who have financially supported the service thru donations, bequests and grants.

Special recognition with thanks goes to the Lake Placid police, fire, highway, electric and water departments

For their help during calls and maintaining the station, to our staff and volunteers for providing quality medical, safe vehicle operation and clerical service to residents and visitors. We also appreciate the work of Ginny Haselton, Hoffman, Eells and Gray and John Huttlinger for LPVAS.

With all these working together, LPVAS is continuing to operate as a non-profit entity. The new addition has been paid for without a loan. In 2016, there is hope to finish the remaining parts of the building project.

The Annual Christmas Tree Sale at 388 Mill Pond Road starting thanksgiving weekend will help fund an electronic stair chair lift for access to the new addition meeting room.

With thanks,

Larry Brockway

President, Lake Placid Volunteer Ambulance Service

Starting at $1.44/week.

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