
HISTORY IS COOL: 90 years ago

June 22, 1934

Post office lease

Proposals for the leasing of quarters to be used as a post office at Lake Placid have been asked by the U.S. Department.

The request indicates that the new post office building, authorized for this village, will not be completed when the lease on quarters now occupied in the Masonic building expires in April 1935.

It is believed here that the present location of the post office will be retained until the new building is erected on a site not yet determined.

Boat fire escape

Two men jumped into the waters of Lake Placid 400 feet from shore Friday evening to escape from flames that destroyed a motor boat from the Emerson camp, which they were testing for repairs.

Robert Martin, caretaker of the camp which Judge Joseph M. Proskauer will occupy this summer, and Frank Grisdale, mechanic, were operating the boat “High Wall” just above Pulpit Rock, one of the deepest parts of the lake, when the engine backfired and the motor boat suddenly burst into flames.

Grisdale could swim and with the help of a life preserver donned by Martin, a non-swimmer, the two managed to get within a few feet from shore when they were picked up by William Ryan, who was on the lake making grocery deliveries for the Ryan Stores, Inc. and who had spied the flames across the water.

The fire boat maintained by the Shore Owners’ Association set out from George & Bliss boathouse and although the boat was already beyond repair, flames of the wreckage were blackened so that when it drifted toward shore, there would be no danger to the wooded areas lining the lake. What was left of the boat sank near the Caesar camp.

Mirror Lake death

The body of Thomas Pierce, 25, who was drowned Wednesday evening in Mirror Lake, was taken to his home in North Lawrence at an early hour Thursday morning.

The accident victim, an employee at Hotel Marcy, upset his canoe just below the carry shortly after 8 o’clock. Unable to swim, his cries for help were heard by motorists on the lake shore road and by cottage owners in the vicinity. Police were notified, and they sent for lifeguards from the municipal and Lake Placid Club beaches.

Diving efforts began to recover the body after the canoe, paddle and the man’s cap were discovered floating about 25 feet from shore.

Several boats went out and started dragging operations.

David Tobin, lifeguard, succeeded in bringing the man to the surface on his sixth dive in 30 feet of water.

Dan Schaefer, lifeguard at the club, tried artificial respiration for one and a half hours but to no success as rigor mortis set in soon after the man was brought to shore after being in the water for about 20 minutes. Dr. George C. Owens pronounced the man dead just as darkness was settling in the wooded ravine, where he had been pulled from the water.

He was identified by his brother, Norman, also an employee at the Marcy.

Lowell Thomas

Residents of Lake Placid are invited to a lecture and public broadcast tonight by Lowell Thomas in Lake Placid Club’s Agora Theatre. He will talk informally on his “Adventures Around the World and in the Air” at 8:15 p.m. and will open the regular 6:45 p.m. broadcast to all holders of tickets for the lecture, which will be sold at a nominal charge.

Mr. Thomas is a familiar figure in Lake Placid, where he was crowned king of the Winter Carnival in December and spent several days at the club enjoying and inspecting winter sports facilities.

Starting at $1.44/week.

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