HISTORY IS COOL: 100 years ago
March 28, 1924

Grave pilgrimage
It will be recalled that two years ago there was a pilgrimage to the grave of John Brown of a number of those who revere his memory living in other places, and a statement made that an attempt would be made to make the event an annual affair. The other day, a meeting was held in Philadelphia looking toward the carrying out of this purpose.
We quote from a recent issue of the Public Journal of Philadelphia:
“The John Brown Memorial Association was added to the multiplicity of organizations of our city last Thursday evening when such an association was launched and temporary officers chosen at a meeting held at the Southwest Y.M.C.A.
“Dr. J. Max Barber, sponsor of the idea, was elected president; Dr. Eugene T. Hinson, treasurer; and Julian St. George White, secretary. All officers are chosen to serve temporarily, until a permanent organization is formed. Erecting a monument to the memory of John Brown and his associates, who in the Harpers Ferry raid made the supreme sacrifice in an effort to free the slaves, and fostering an annual pilgrimage to his grave at Lake Placid, N.Y., are the only objects of this organization. …”
Filming in Placid
Lake Placid with its mantle of white easily became the favored place for the International Film Company to reproduce some of the most important scenes for their forthcoming Cosmopolitan Production — “Janice Meredith” — in which Marion Davies is the star.
The company has been in Plattsburgh for several days filming the scenes, but when it came to the reproduction of General Washington’s trying moments at Valley Forge in the dead of winter … the scenic effects of Lake Placid with its mantle of white was found to be the most ideal place in all the north in which to reproduce Valley Forge.
An advance guard consisting of a corps of technicians, scenic artists, property men and carpenters have been here for over a week erecting a village on Lake Placid Club’s Highland Farm on the Averyville Road.
The cast arrived on a special train yesterday from Plattsburgh, and they are being reinforced with over 200 men gathered from the various walks of life in the community, the latter enacting roles of colonial soldiers.
E. Mason Hopper is the director in charge and is supervising the actual filming of the scenes.
While in Plattsburgh, Miss Davies was made honorary colonel of the 26th U.S. Infantry on the parade ground of Plattsburgh Barracks when Col. Malcolm Graham, commandant, presented to Miss Davies the silver eagle emblem of this rank and the arrow insignia of the regiment.
“Janice Meredith” furnishes the key to the Battle of Trenton. Washington’s spy is captured by the Hessians. Janice Meredith, the spy’s sweetheart, recovers a valuable paper taken from the spy by tricking Col. Rahl, the Hessian commander. Wishing to save her lover, who is to be shot at sunrise, she slides down a roof and makes a get-away on a horse, riding madly toward the headquarters of Washington at Valley Forge.
Theater seats
The Happy Hour Theater, Walton & Adams, proprietors, have this week sent in an order for new seats for the local theater. It is expected that they will be installed within a few weeks, before the influx of summer crowds.
The new seats are the best obtainable at the present time, being wider and heavier than those now in. The folding seat itself will be upholstered and the back will be curved to better conform to the lines of the average human being. The seats come from the American Seating Co. Of New York City.
This is in keeping with the policy of the theater to give Lake Placid the best in both comfort and entertainment.
Booze in jail
The car-load of liquor that has been occupying the ladies’ cell at the town hall lockup was sent on its way Tuesday.
This was taken in by troopers, but it was not possible to make disposition of it until the permission of a federal officer was obtained, and meanwhile it rested in the lockup cell under guard of a huge federal padlock.
The commissioner and officers from AuSable Forks took the beer and ale to be destroyed and, it is said, the whiskey to be sent to “hospitals.”
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