
HISTORY IS COOL: 97 years ago

Sept. 4, 1925

Wilmington field day

With Gordon Marshall in charge of the arrangements, committee plans have been perfected for a field day and picnic to be held in Wilmington on Sept. 5.

Residents of other Adirondack towns are invited to join the newly organized chamber of commerce and the residents of the village of Wilmington in the celebrations.

The chairman of the committee has prepared an interesting program and list of speakers. The field day and picnic will be the first of a long list of civic activities.

The chamber of commerce plans an extensive advertising campaign to acquaint people of the state with the advantages of Wilmington as a winter and summer resort town. Already large signs with a friendly message have been placed at entrances to the village on different roads.

Officers of the Wilmington chamber of commerce are James C. Wolfe, president; Plinn C. Cooper, vice president; William C. Richardson, treasurer; May L. Hanson, secretary; directors, John O’Leary, Charles Taylor, George C. Smith, Frank E. Everest, Oscar L. Olney, George Marshall and William P. Northrup.

Faux movie actor

Mortimer Lahm, 32, of New York City, was arrested on Main Street, Lake Placid, Tuesday evening by Trooper Taylor for reckless driving. Lahm was driving a Buick touring car down Main Street and was swerving from one side of the street to the other. Two of his companions were perched on the hood of the car. Questioned, they said that they were imitating “Tom” Mix, movie star.

The imitation of his friends cost Lahm a summons. He appeared before Judge Leahy Wednesday morning, pleaded guilty and was fined $25.

Lake connection?

A regular meeting of the Shore Owners’ Association of Lake Placid was held at the Lake Placid Yacht Club on Saturday, Aug. 29.

A committee was appointed to try to prevent hydroplanes from using Lake Placid as a landing base.

The proposal to connect Mirror Lake and Lake Placid by means of a canal was also discussed at some length. The majority of the Shore Owners’ Association appeared to be opposed to this measure. Because there are now 157 motor boats on Lake Placid, it was felt that with the proposed connecting waterway in operation, too many craft might utilize Lake Placid. On the other hand, it was pointed out that with a water passage between the two lakes, camp owners would be better able to reach places on the shores of Mirror Lake.

Seaplane rides

Two latest model Curtiss seaplanes arrived in Lake Placid Friday, Aug. 28. They flew here from Lake George and made their headquarters in Paradox Bay, Lake Placid.

The planes are owned by Harry Rogers of New York and are capable of doing 85 mph.

Many summer guests availed themselves of the opportunity offered by the planes to fly over Lake Placid and the surrounding mountain peaks.

Starting at $1.44/week.

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