AUSABLE WATER WISE: Rising to the challenge for the watershed

Paddling in the Adirondack Park (Provided photo — Tyler Merriam)
Spring is turning into summer, warming the Earth. So much of nature moves on, unperturbed by the challenges faced by our human communities.
Leaves are out, songbirds are raising young, and our local waterways continue nourishing our lives and the ecosystems around us. Streams are recovering from the havoc of spring floods, the scour of winter ice, newly fallen trees and eroding banks. The physics of flowing water reorganizes riffles and pools, seeking equilibrium.
In the regularity of the seasons, in the patterns and shifts of flowing water, we glean lessons for managing change. In the resilience of our neighbors and supporters, who donate their time, skills and funds to help us and our communities, we glean energy and inspiration. Like the world around us, the Ausable River Association’s staff is adjusting — working safe and smart, side-by-side (socially distant) with our many partners, listening to our neighbors, to our donors and advisers, and staying focused on our mission — helping communities protect our streams and lakes.
We have a busy summer ahead. Two beautiful brooks will run free again, released from the undersized, deteriorating metal pipes through which they were forced for decades. New science-based knowledge, gathered this year, will inform continued wise management of East Branch of the AuSable River headwaters and Lake Placid. Soon, we’ll be gaining new insight into trout and salmon habitats in the AuSable and Boquet river watersheds, and we’ll keep advancing solutions for road salt reduction to protect Mirror Lake and other waterbodies. Stay tuned for news about our reimagined annual Ride for the River and about socially distant touring opportunities this autumn to discover paths and paddles in local watersheds.
To ensure the continuity of our work in these difficult times, our board of directors and several close friends have issued a $40,000 matching challenge with a goal of raising $80,000 by the end of August. Rise to the challenge. Find out more on our website at
Clean, cool fresh water sustains all plant, animal and human life. The Ausable River Association protects streams and lakes from road salt pollution, erosion and sedimentation, habitat damage, invasive species and more.
Through active partnerships, we combine smart, field-based science with engaged stewardship to produce practical solutions for streams, lakes, and watersheds. It’s efficient and effective. If you haven’t seen our recent Annual Report on our successes in 2019, email us at for a free copy.