
LAKE PLACID DIET: Write, write, write, then write some more

This week: 420

Sept. 15: 420

Difference: 0

Writing remains one of the cheapest and most accessible forms of expression, whether it’s poetry or prose, and writing on a regular basis can help people cope with their problems in life.

Writing allows me to explore the highs and lows of my weight-loss journey and share it with others who see themselves in my struggle. More people are publishing inspiring blogs on the Internet about their own weight-loss journeys and books about their transformations. Others keep private journals to document their progress and challenges.

All of this is great therapy, and I encourage everyone to start writing, whether it’s for your eyes only or for others to read. We write about where we came from, what we’re doing now and what we hope to accomplish in the future. We explore life’s challenges and try to create solutions. We discuss our feelings about everything in our world: people, social issues, jobs, friends, family, love and hate. There are no boundaries when it comes to writing.

The purest form of freedom is found in the writing process.

Think about it. Even here in America — the land of the free and home of the brave — most of us aren’t truly free. We constantly feel pressure. There are financial, social, family, employment, governmental, religious and political pressures affecting us every day. Until we get to a certain age — usually sometime after 70 — when we say, “Screw it! Screw all y’all!”, we can never really say what we feel out loud. Otherwise, we’d be all alone.

When we write, we can say whatever we want. Of course, in this newspaper column, I can’t say whatever I want or else I’d get in trouble. It’s happened before. But in the comfort of my own home, in private, I have the freedom to let ‘er rip! No holds barred.

Keep a journal. Start a blog. Write a poem, a song or a book.

Whatever you do, just write, write, write. Then write some more.

Starting at $1.44/week.

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