
Savor the Season

UP CLOSE: In season

LAKE PLACID — Prescott Doyle works as a field grower at the Mossbrook Roots Flower Farm in Keeseville. He starts his day by opening up the high tunnels and keeping a close eye on the various factors that could affect how the flowers grow. He makes sure all the plants have enough water, ...

WE ARE LAKE PLACID: Paulette Peduzzi, North Country School, head of kitchen

LAKE PLACID — Lake Placid News Editor Andy Flynn stopped by North Country School/Camp Treetops on Tuesday, Sept. 22 to speak with Paulette Peduzzi, of Jay. She is the head of kitchen and will be retiring at the end of September after working at the school for 26 years. She talked about the ...

SAVOR THE SEASON: A connection to sun and soil amid a pandemic

ESSEX — Essex Farm co-owner Mark Kimball sees himself as something akin to an evangelical. Connecting people with sun and soil, the fundamental stuff of life, is a mission that gives him joy while working in an industry that’s no easy feat to survive in. “If you called me next ...

SAVOR THE SEASON: North Hudson: Where the buffalo roam … or is it bison?

NORTH HUDSON — The bison, their fur colored a rich dark brown, lay on a vast range filled with rocks and greenery. Watching the herd from a wooden overlook on a nearby hill was Dorreen Ossenkop, co-owner of the Adirondack Buffalo Company. She and her husband, Steve, built this business on ...

SAVOR THE SEASON: North Country School head of kitchen reflects on local food

LAKE PLACID — It’s hard to find an institution around the region more dedicated to producing its own food than North Country School/Camp Treetops on state Route 73. This boarding school for grades 4 through 9 includes students from around the globe. And they get to eat the freshest ...