Pantry donation

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The Lake Placid Synagogue made a $25,000 donation to Thrive & Thrift, Lake Placid’s new food pantry and thrift shop. The synagogue has now donated a total of $50,000 to the new building. Susan Semegram, left, who serves as the synagogue’s president, said the group’s ongoing support of the Food Pantry upholds the Jewish tradition of “tzedakah” — the Hebrew word for charity and justice. Helping others is seen as an act of generosity and justice in Judaism. Tzedakah is an obligation Jewish people have with God to help bring fairness to the world. Thrive & Thrift’s executive director Linda Young said that she is so grateful to the synagogue, noting that they have been a long-standing donor to the food pantry. Semegram said she is thrilled that the synagogue is in a position to be able to help.