WE ARE LAKE PLACID: Craig Randall, Lake Placid mayor

Lake Placid Mayor Craig Randall poses with the "editorial board" at the former Lake Placid News office on Mill Hill in March 2014. (News photo — Andy Flynn)
LAKE PLACID — Lake Placid News Editor Andy Flynn interviewed Lake Placid village Mayor Craig Randall about the first year of the pandemic and how it affected his job, what’s happening in his life right now, and about 2021 as he approaches the end of his third and final four-year term.
Listen to a portion of this interview on the “We are Lake Placid” podcast from the Lake Placid News by visiting Apple Podcasts at https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/we-are-lake-placid/id1388667446?mt=2.
Also listen on Soundcloud at https://soundcloud.com/user-340941505 and Stitcher at https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/lake-placid-news/we-are-lake-placid.
This podcast is sponsored by Adirondack Health.
Read the original story at https://www.lakeplacidnews.com/news/local-news/2021/01/14/saying-goodbye-takes-time/.