WE ARE LAKE PLACID: Kelley Tucker, Ausable River Association

Ausable River Association Executive Director Kelley Tucker is pictured here in the field. (Provided photo — Ausable River Association)
LAKE PLACID – Lake Placid News Staff Writer Elizabeth Izzo interviewed Ausable River Association Executive Director Kelley Tucker and Science and Stewardship Director Brendan Wiltse about the Wilmington-based organization and its programs, including reducing road salt in local waterways.
Listen to a portion of this interview on the “We are Lake Placid” podcast from the Lake Placid News by visiting Apple Podcasts at podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/we-are-lake-placid/id1388667446?mt=2
Also listen on Soundcloud at soundcloud.com/user-340941505 and Stitcher at www.stitcher.com/podcast/lake-placid-news/we-are-lake-placid.
This podcast is sponsored by Adirondack Health.