

Students reach summit of 46er Book Club

LAKE PLACID — There’s a mural in a corner of the first-floor hallway at Lake Placid Elementary School that tracks the progress of students working their way to the summit of the 46er Book Club. The students who reached the top of the book-reading mountain this year were treated to ...

NCCC hosts ‘Higher Education at a Crossroads’ summit

SARANAC LAKE — Local leaders, stakeholders and supporters of North Country Community College outlined ways to enhance the value of the college to students and communities and discussed how to better confront the challenges and opportunities facing the region during a day-long summit held at ...

Keep on climbing

LAKE PLACID — After a 43-year teaching career, there was no question that Don Mellor was going to give back to the community in retirement. “When one retires, one should serve,” he said. “You might as well try to find where your strengths are.” Last month, Mellor was elected to ...

Local students honored for Olympic-themed art

LAKE PLACID — Several Lake Placid Middle-High School students received awards for their Olympic-themed art at the Lake Placid Olympic Center on Tuesday, June 4, and a mural created by Lake Placid fourth-grade students will hang in a government office in Paris this summer in honor of the 2024 ...