American youth everywhere affected by gun violence
To the editor:
As of June 6, there had been 20 school shootings resulting in deaths or injuries already this year in America. Gun violence is currently the leading cause of death for kids, teens and college-aged youth in our country. Our North Country youth have expressed their awareness of these statistics.
“I dream that kids could go to school without fear of not coming home.”
“I wish that everyone could be themselves without having to worry about their safety.”
“To not be afraid to turn around in someone’s driveway.”
“No more school shooter drills.”
“Why do politicians care so much about what gender someone identifies as, when there are kids being killed in schools?”
Will we ever do anything to make our children feel safe from gun violence in our communities?
Jim Abendroth
(This letter is one in a series sharing the thoughts of young people in the North Country. The quotes are from essays submitted to the contest “My Dreams for My Community” sponsored by the Community Engagement Project of Adirondack Voters for Change and the Adirondack Center for Writing.)