
Rotary Club clarifies bus shelter cost

To the editor:

Thank you for the recent article about the Rotary Club of Lake Placid Bus Shelter Project. We are excited about the possibility of this project because it will meet an immediate need and directly benefit our community.

We would like to clarify that the price you mentioned in the article is an estimate of about $30,000 the Clarkson students gave us for the total project (all three shelters) that included us paying for materials and labor. But we are counting on the community to embrace this project and donate supplies and labor.

Once we are further along with the permitting process, we will start fundraising. With community support, our thought is that this project could be similar to Project Playground in the early 1990s, and the Thomas Shipman Youth Center in the late 1990s. Neither one of those projects would have been as successful without support from a wide variety of people, businesses and organizations: community buy-in. That is what we hope for with the bus shelter project.

As stated in the article, anyone interested in learning more about the bus shelters can go to our website at https://rotarylakeplacid.org/SitePage/bus.shelter.project. You can also reach out to one of the following Rotarians on the committee: Heather Perkins, Martha Spear, Bill Barnes, Bill Flederbach, Susan Friedmann, Tina Leonard, Harris Semegram or Don Woodlief.

Again, thank you, and we look forward to input from the community.

Heather Perkins and Martha Spear

Co-chairs, Bus Shelter Committee

Rotary Club of Lake Placid


Lake Placid

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