
Praise for film festival

To the editor:

How privileged we are to have access to Lake Placid Film Festival here! I’m still on a leftover high after four nights and four days of superior entertainment.

From last Wednesday to this past Sunday, I was able to watch any film(s) of my choice and use the VIP lounge at the High Peaks between times. For only $119, event passes, beer, wine, coffee and popcorn were available for free along with a chance to talk with film makers, writers, directors, actors and volunteers. I heard that other festivals in America and abroad offer the same thing starting in the four digits.

My only regret was having to miss some screenings since they competed with others of interest showing at the same hour. The extended day span, however, ameliorated this problem since last year.

Among my favorites were “Local Hero” about a northern Scottish village facing a sell-out of their coastline to an oil company owned by a Texas billionaire who loved star gazing (cf Lake Placid vs Walmart). Co-star Peter Riegert was part of our village for any questions or comments.

“Stalag Luft III” was a wife’s account of her husband’s two-year survival of a Nazi prison camp during WW II. The film had “grit and grace.” Wife Louise Woehrle was a another special guest of the Lake Placid Film Festival to whom we had access.

Our local movie house was packed to capacity for the red carpet premiere of “Ice Palace, A Love Letter,” featuring Saranac Lake’s annual construction for Winter Carnival. Lawn chair ladies, other paraders, organizers, workers and other helpers went wild when their images appeared on the big screen. Information about the Moriah Shock Center, their program and treatment was cleverly included as a group of its inmates provides vital muscle power in building the castle.

I could go on and on, but space is limited. Along with so many others, I am so grateful to President and Chairman Nelson Page, local VP and Vice Chair Gary Smith, other Board directors John Huttlinger, Fred Balzac, Heather Clark, Eric Granger and Nick Gunn along with Russell Banks, Creative Consultant and Kathleen Carroll, artistic director. We must also thank the originators of the Film Festival and all the volunteers who give their time so we can have such a fine and expanding experience.


Linda Friedlander

Lake Placid

Starting at $1.44/week.

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