
Why it’s important to give locally

To the editor:

Over 30 years ago, a group of local persons founded the Ecumenical Charity Program in Lake Placid. It is made up of concerned citizens in our community along with several area churches.

The mission of the ECP is to help those in need. It sponsors the food pantry and thrift shop. Over the years it has assisted with emergency heating fuel, rent, lodging for homeless, food, clothing – the list goes on and on. This past November it gave out over 350 food baskets. The baskets contained a complete turkey dinner and enough food for soup and sandwiches for the next day.

The ECP is totally run by volunteers. The workers at the food pantry at St. Agnes Church, the workers at the thrift shop at George and Bliss Lane in a space generously donated to ECP by a local businessman, the drivers who pick up food and take away garbage, and the ECP board are also volunteers as well as our secretary, treasurer, bookkeeper, lawyer and clergy. There are no paid persons.

We receive funding from local churches, generous citizens, food programs, local stores and farms, as well as donations of clothing from community members. Monies from the thrift shop go to the ECP to be used as needed.

The ECP is such an important part of our community – we are so blessed to have the community’s support. To continue we need their support.

Remember, we need to help our neighbors who are in need. Please continue to help us do so.

Judy Grimard

EPC volunteer at the thrift shop

Lake Placid

Starting at $1.44/week.

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