
HISTORY IS COOL: 90 years ago

May 12, 1933

Brown monument

Dr. J. Max Barber, founder and president of the John Brown Memorial Association, members of which were here Tuesday in the 11th annual pilgrimage to the grave recommended that a committee be appointed to survey the possibilities of erecting the proposed monument to the abolitionist within the next two years.

Mirror Lake road

Consideration is being given by the Lake Placid Village Board of Trustees to the construction of a road on the west side of Mirror Lake and an endeavor may be made to secure signatures of property owners for their approval of the highway.

Harry Hull, Saranac Lake engineer, presented a map prepared by him showing property improvements which would be made possible through the completion of the road from Mirror Lake park to a point south of the Adirondack Community Church. The trustees have agreed to abide by the decision of voters who in the recent referendum defeated the movement for advanced time, the village to remain on standard time during the summer.

Bacteria contest

Carl Thornton, proprietor of the People’s Dairy, and the Lake Placid Electric Company are sponsoring a prize contest for residents of this village dealing with an increase in the bacteria count of milk remaining in an electrical refrigerator over a period of 10 days.

A check was made of the count in the milk Thursday by Kenneth Wood, inspector of the Lake Placid Board of Health, before it was placed in a refrigerator in the Main Street store of the Lake Placid Electric Company, the final check to be made by him upon its removal.

Persons registering nearest the correct increase in the count will receive prizes by the dealers.

The contest grew out of displays by the two dealers at the Auto Show, the refrigerator dealers showing models in coolers and Mr. Thornton displaying ways and means of checking on bacteria count in milk and adulteration by producers. The contest, which is open to all, will be concluded on May 22. Estimates are to be left with the Lake Placid Electric Company before that date.

Employment camp

“In cooperating with President Roosevelt’s forest workers plan for the relief of unemployment, the New York State College of Forestry has promptly made available two of its largest experimental forests and two camps of 200 workers each,” says Dean Samuel N. Spring of the state College of Forestry in Syracuse.

“A camp of 200 civilian workers will be established on the Huntington Wild Life Experiment Station of 13,000 acres, which is located near Newcomb. This area, which was given to the college last year by Archer and Anna Huntington for purposes of wildlife investigation, is in an almost totally undeveloped state. Roads, trails, bridges and fir lines are needed on this area and the cultural treatment of a young planted pine forest.”

Another camp of 200 workers will be established in the vicinity of Cranberry Lake.

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