HISTORY IS COOL: 90 years ago
April 28, 1933

Mirror Lake opens
The last of the ice disappeared from Mirror Lake, centering this village, on Monday, April 24, heavy winds clearing the northeastern bay of the last remnants of covering. Last spring, the lake did not open until May 2.
According to the 30-year record kept by F. B. Guild, the ice has gone out of the lake 11 times prior to this date, twice disappearing as early as April 2 with the latest date May 7 in 1926. The only April 24 opening shown in the record was in 1906. The lake has been locked with ice for five months, freezing over on Nov. 28.
The first canoeist on the lake returned to shore not certain whether he had been boating or sledding. Paddling through the open stretches between the ice flows, the wind swung his canoe about so that the bow and most of the craft settled on one of the larger pieces of ice. It was with some difficulty that he remedied his plight, the wind rocking the ice on which the canoe was precariously perched.
Teacher marriages
Final approval was given a resolution in regard to marriage of teachers in the local schools during the school year by the board of education at a special meeting Tuesday night.
The resolution as announced by the board follows: “Whereas there are now employed by Central School District No. 2 many married teachers and whereas it is the policy of the board that no more married teachers be employed, now therefore be it resolved that should a teacher under contract in schools in District 2 marry during term of said contract, her contract may become null and void at the option of either parties thereto at the end of the semester in which the marriage took place, this ruling to become effective May 1.”
Bodies found in ice
Bodies of John F. Riordan, 43, former Saranac Lake taxi driver, and Charles (Buckey) Fancher, 55, Adirondack guide, were discovered at dusk yesterday in Bog River, where they had been imprisoned by ice since the men’s motor launch upset on Nov. 16. The body of a third victim, John Jones, 37, Dewitt, has not been recovered.
One hand gripping a rope dangling from the stern of the boat, Riordan’s body was found under several feet of water. Fancher’s remains rested on a stump on the river bed. The craft, locked in 2 inches of ice the day of the accident, served five months as a grave marker.
State police last fall removed the outboard motor from the boat and left the latter to serve as a guide until the ice thawed in the spring and the river could be dragged. The victims had left their camp at the close of the deer-hunting season, and were accompanying Jones to the railroad station at Sabattis. The accident came when their boat overturned in ice then forming on the river. Search for the third body is continuing.
Eagles at Van Ho
Two eagles flying together were sighted over the slopes of Mount Van Hoevenberg Wednesday. They were heading toward South Meadow when one of the huge birds suddenly swooped to the forest floor.